Adaptation to Effects of Climate Change and COVID-19 for Communities in Gedo Region of South- Central Somalia

Prolonged exposure to climate shocks has negatively affected communities in Somalia making it difficult for already vulnerable people to cope with adverse effects of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic. The resilience capabilities are reduced, forcing people to rely on humanitarian assistance and environmentally damaging livelihood. Additionally, there are severe environmental challenges related to land degradation, increasing aridity, overgrazing and water scarcity. The project aims to enhance resilience of communities by increasing access to water, promoting livelihoods, food security and building capacity on disaster risk reduction and environment conservation. This will be achieved by construction of water facilities, training on income generating activities, promotion of climate smart agriculture, and training on disaster risk strategies. Through a community led approach and building local capacity all activities have potential for replication after the end of the project.

Project data

IKI funding
800,000.00 €
08/2022 till 07/2024
Implementing organisation
arche noVa - Initiative for People in Need e.V.
Implementing Partner
  • Action for Social and Economic Progress (ASEP)
  • arche noVa - East Africa

State of implementation/results

  • Drought-tolerant seeds and tools were distributed to 200 farmers (38.5% women) from eight riverine villages in Baled Xaawa and Luuq Districts.
  • Ten solar pumps were installed for ten farms to promote climate-smart cost-effective and sustainable irrigation. Water resource management and climate smart agronomic practices training was conducted to improve sustained solar irrigation benefits.
  • Six river embankments have been constructed in Belet Xaawa district. The first completed embankments proved effective, as they managed increased water flow during the March-May 2023 rains.
  • Four communities (42% female) have been trained on Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction in Belet Xaawa and Luuq districts. Through Participatory Disaster Risk Assessments four Community disaster response plans and disaster risk committees were developed. The response plans will be implemented through advocacy and lobbying.
  • To reduce carbon emissions and empower women on reuse and recycling of biodegradable sanitation waste products, 55 women and three men have been trained on charcoal briquette making in February 2023 and a total of 250kg of briquettes were produced. This method is sustainable and more energy-efficient, reducing the pressure on forests and lowering pollution.
  • Solar powered panels were installed in seven health centers/ hospitals in Luuq and Belet Xaawa districts to power medical equipment and refrigerate vaccines in January 2023.
  • Two-day training sessions on COVID-19 prevention and monthly hygiene awareness campaigns were conducted reaching a total of 2,940 people.

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